Vous trouverez ci-dessous une liste de publications que j'ai rédigées individuellement ou en tant que membre d'une équipe et qui concernent la santé de l'enfant. Beaucoup d'entre elles discutent et font des propositions pour la mise en œuvre d'un système de santé basé sur les droits de l'enfant.

Livre: Les droits de l'enfant dans la pratique des soins de santé : un guide pour les médecins, les infirmières et les autres professionnels de la santé The Chidlren’s Rights in Practice Series: Volume 1. 2022 (disponible à l'achat sur ce site en anglais et portugais)

Fløtten K et al Adolescent and young adult patients as co-researchers: A scoping review. Health Expectations. 2021;24:1044–1055

Goldhagen J, Clarke A, Dixon P, et al. Thirtieth anniversary of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child: advancing a

child rights-based approach to child health and well- being. BMJ Paediatrics Open 2020;4:e000589

Machado et al. (2019) Informed Consent – Vision and Perspectives of Adolescents, Parents and Professionals: Multicentric Study in Six Hospitals. Acta Med Port 2019 Jan;32(1):61-69

WHO (2017) Children’s rights in hospital: Rapid-assessment checklists. WHO Regional Office for Europe

Guerreiro et al (2016) Assessing and improving children’s rights in hospitals: Case-studies from Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Moldova; Harvard Journal of Health and Human Rights: Volume 18 (1): 235-248

 Guerreiro AIF and Fløtten K (2016) Article 12: The Translation into Practice of Children’s Right to Participation in Health Care: in Liefaard T and Sloth-Nielsen J (eds) Conference Book, The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child: Taking Stock after 25 Years and Looking Ahead, Leiden University

Guerreiro et al (2015) Assessment and Improvement of Children’s Rights in Health Care: Piloting Training and Tools in Uzbekistan (en anglais).; Public Health Panorama; Volume 1(3): 205–268

WHO et al (2015) Operationalizing human rights in efforts to improve health. Knowledge Summary 34: Women’s, Children’s and Adolescents’ Health

WHO (2015) Children’s rights in primary health care series. WHO Regional Office for Europe

WHO (2014) Assessing the respect of children’s rights in hospitals in Moldova. WHO Regional Office for Europe
WHO (2014) Assessing the respect of children’s rights in hospitals in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. WHO Regional Office for Europe

J.H.H. Ehrich, L. Damm, U. Leiss, A.I. Guerreiro, S. Lenton; Partizipation europäischer Kinder in der Medizin; Pädiatrie & Pädologie 10/2014; 49(1):19-24.

Guerreiro AIF (editor) (2012); Children’s Rights in Hospital: Manual and Tools for Assessment and Improvement; Task Force on Health Promotion for Children and Adolescents in and by Hospitals and Health Services: International Network of Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services

Simonelli, A. I. Fernandes Guerreiro, A. Zappulla, I. Simonelli; Children’s rights in health settings; Prospettive Sociali e Sanitarie; Year XLI – n. 2 – 1 February 2011

Simonelli F, Guerreiro AIF, Simonelli I and di Pasquale C; Six assertions about the salutogenic approach and health promotion; Italian Journal of Public Health. 2010

Nemer L, Guerreiro AIF and Schweizer C (eds) (2010); Improving Children’s Environmental Health: examples from European countries; WHO Regional Office for Europe

Simonelli F and Guerreiro AIF (eds); The respect of children’s rights in hospital: an initiative of the International Network on Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services. Final Report on the implementation process of the Self-evaluation Model and Tool on the respect of children’s rights in hospital. January 2010. WHO collaborating centre for health promotion capacity building in child and adolescent health

Guerreiro AIF et al. (2009) The right of migrant children to healthcare: the response of hospitals and health services; WHO Collaborating Centre for Health Promotion Capacity Building on Child and Adolescent Health and the International Organisation for Migration (IOM)

Simonelli F, Guerreiro AIF and Sereni N (2009) The respect of children’s rights in hospital. A model and tool of self-evaluation by the International Network of Health Promoting Hospitals; Educazione Sanitaria e Promozione della Salute

Barnekow V, Smith L, Simonelli F, Majer K and Guerreiro AIF (2008) Development of national strategies – case studies from five countries: European Strategy for Child and Adolescent Health and Development; WHO Regional Office for Europe and WHO collaborating centre for health promotion capacity building in child and adolescent health
